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The Commission on Astrophysics of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics solicits nominations for its 2008 prize for an outstanding young astrophysicist, to be presented in December, 2008 at the 24th "Texas" Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics in Victoria, BC, Canada. Candidates for the prize must not have completed more than 8 years of post-PhD research and related activities at the time the of the award. The prize will consist of an IUPAP Medal, travel expenses to the meeting where it is presented, and possibly a small cash award. The winner will probably be asked to give a short talk about the work for which the prize is awarded at the meeting.
Nominations can come from any astrophysicist who knows the nominee's work well.
A nomination should consist of a letter explaining the nominee's qualifications, a complete CV and list of publications, and two letters of support, at least one of which must come from someone who is not at the nominee's institution, is not a past mentor, and is not a frequent co-author or other close collaborator. Materials must arrive by March 1, 2008 for full consideration.
Nominations should be sent to the Acting Chair and the Secretary of the Commision and to the Chair of the Selection Committee
Acting Chair: M. Victoria Fonseca
Dept. Fisica Atomica, Molecular y Nuclear
Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, E-28040 Madrid
Commission Secretary: Patricia Whitelock
South African Astronomical Observatory
PO Box 9, 7935 Obervatory
Selection Committee Chair: Virginia Trimble
Physics Dept, Univ of California
Irvine CA 92697-4575
The first, 2006, prize was awarded to Marta Burgay of Italy, for discovery and characterization of the first double pulsar. She received the award and spoke at the December 2006 "Texas" Symposium in Melbourne, Australia.